
Sunday 12 April 2020

Books to read during quarantine πŸ“š

As the world is facing epidemic of corona virus, most of the world is living in home and facing lockdown. Yes I know that there is full of negativity around us right now but  its in our hand to be happy and try to find positivity in these tough times. And the best thing is plenty of time in our hand. And that's exactly we had been wanting for. So here I am to recommend you some books that you can read and enjoy during lockdown. As the delivery of books is not available what are ebooks for and they are comparatively cheaper too.

1.THE BOY WHO LOVED by Durjoy Dutta- This book is delight to read. It takes the reader to towards the brutal realities of our society. It is said that books usually take us to the place far from the reality but this book is totally opposite and bring us back to the reality of our society through the story of Raghu and Brahmi. It reflects the internal fears of human. It is must read for one who likes to read something deep and meaningful.

2.THE PALACE OF ILLUSIONS by Chitra Bannerjee Divakaruni- If you are a mythological fiction lover then go for it and if you are not then you must pick this book. It is amazingly written that will make you fan of the author. I have heard everyone praising this book and it is worth it. It is a book set around the time of mahabharat, narrated through Draupadi's prospective, the wife of 5 Pandava's. This one line that the blurb suggests attracted me a lot-"It is a story about a woman born into a man's world. "And it says all.

3.KARNA'S WIFE:THE OUTCAST QUEEN by Kavita kane- It is a book set on a women's outlook at the time of mahabharat. A women who is strong enough to choose the man of her life even at that time after being opposed by whole world including her parents.It is a brilliant book and a must read.

4.BAAZ by Anuja Chauhan- It is book set in 1960's . It is that much engaging that it will keep you hooked till the last page.
It is a book about an Air Force Officer Ishaan and photographer Tinka. If you like stories that keep you hooked to the last page go for it.

5.SITA'S SISTER by Kavita Kane- It is another book by Kavita Kane that amazed me. In this time of lockdown when every Indian is going back to its roots and watching Ramayan this book becomes more delight to read as it is the book that is set at the time of ramayan obviously as it is story of sita's sister Urmila and her outlook towards the world and the eternal love of two sisters. It shows the story of lesser known characters of Ramayan and I think it is the best time to read this book.

So stay at home, stay safe, keep washing your hands and keep reading.
Show some love in the comment section. 😊

Wednesday 19 June 2019

5 ways to make reading a habit πŸ“š

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.The man who never reads lives only one."
                                               -George R.R. Martin

Reading,this word has an extereme importance for me,as it has developed me as a person a lot.When we read we get dissolved in the story,the characters of the story, their happiness,their sorrow becomes ours.Reading helps a lot in the development of our mind and it makes us intellectual.

For the people who are interested in reading or want to start read ing but don't know HOW or WHAT to read,then this post is for you.Here are some ways through which you can start reading:--

1.START WITH AN EASY ONE- When a kid takes admission to the school,he is firstly made to learn 123, he is not given the book to solve huge mathematical problems.Most of the people because of peer pressure starts with deep literature books,which are difficult to get by the beginners,ultimately they give up, lost interest & they throw the idea of reading into the dustbin.if you are just beginning then you should start with books which are easy to get.Forget about what your friends will think keep in mind only what you would like to read.

2.CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE GENRE GENRE-If your heart lies in mystery and you are picking romance,then you won't be able to enjoy the book.Pick the book of your favorite genre.For that you can also use this idea,choose genre of your favorite movies then go for those kind of books.

3.SET A GOAL & ACCOMPLISH IT- Always set small goals & try to accomplish them.Set a regular proper time for reading,set the time that will suit you & in which you can't be easily disturbed.But always remember NEVER force yourself too much for accomplishing goal by forcing yourself you will also loose interest and you won't be able to get the real essence of book.If you really want then take your time and get the book properly.

4.START WITH SHORT STORY COLLECTION- If you are a kind of person (just like my friends)who is lazy to read the whole book or a person who can't stick to the book for a long time,who doesn't have the strength to read continuously a story for a long time then you should definitely go for short story collections.There are many short story books in the market go and check them out.

5.CONNECT TO THE COMMUNITY- The main & big reason through which I became able to read more is watching booktube videos. If you don't have reader friends like me then connect or get in touch with online community like booktubers,bookstagrammers,bookbloggers etc. Because discussing books with them or reading or watching their content will increase your interest in books.There are several booktubers like -Indian booktuber, helly, bookgeeks India, Meera etc and they are my favorite too.Go and check them out.

So go and pick up a book and start reading now.And Don't forget to tell me which book you have started reading, whether you liked it or not. Comment πŸ’¬  now!!!

Monday 14 January 2019

5 ways to be more productive

We all have the same 24 hours in a day but we all spend it differently.It is similar to the concept that many readers read the same book differently.Now do a small task just go through your day and think about it that how much time you are spending on your work and how much work you have completed.It happens almost with everyone that we spend a huge part of the day working and even after spending that much time on work when we look to the actual amount of work done it is never satisfactory. Here are some ways of being more productive throughout the day.

1.PLAN OUT YOUR DAY -The task that tops on this list is that firstly plan out your day that means list out the task that you have to do during the day and then write it down on the paper or sheet.Stick that paper or sheet on any wall or desk and keep ticking the tasks as you complete them.

2.KEEP DISTANCE FROM YOUR PHONE-If we actually keep check on the time that we are spending on our phone we will actually find that most of the time during the day we are just wasting infront of the screen.And the amount of time our phone snatches from us that particular time can be very useful for us in doing actual important stuff.

3.BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF- How much time you are actually busy and how much time you just pretend to be?Ask this question to yourself.Do you actually think that you are working all the time. I am sure most of the people will answer in negative. Because here is the thing that what we lack is that we are not being honest with ourselves.To be more productive it is important to utilize each and every minute we have.

4.WAKE UP EARLY IN THE MORNING -It is most common and useful way to be more productive because when you wake up early you add few more minutes to your day.It is psychological thing you will feel that you have some extra time to complete your daily task.

5.DESTRESS YOUSELF-Most the time when we have a lot of work and we are going through a tough day we really need to destress yourself for a while.When you are going through such day just stop for 5 minutes take a long breath and start doing things that you love take a walk,read a chapter of your favourite book or listen to your favourite song but take a break and refresh yourself.

So here was my gyan:p take care of your lovely selfs😊

Wednesday 15 August 2018

The real freedom

The day when everbody is talking about freedom. Everyone is enjoying their own share of freedom but here I am sitting in the corner of my room thinking about this word called freedom.Going back to the times when this word "freedom" has a huge importance among the countrymen, when this word was given huge respect. When everyone was crazy to find the freedom. Many sacrificed their life to gain this freedom. They used to say its better to die then living a life of a slave.Their valuable life gifted us this valuable freedom. When I was a kid my teacher used to say we have gained this freedom after a lot of struggle because of it we can do what we want, we can live freely,this freedom is of much importance.I was way too immature to absorb the meaning under it.Gradually I grew up and came to know that freedom is not just that we got seventy one years ago .Somehow we all are caged in some unwanted problems.We need to be free from them ,we really need to be free from them .These 71 years that we have spent calling ourselves as free nation but have failed ourselves by calling ourselves as a free person.We successfully conquered those outsiders but failed to conquer ourselves.There are many things around us which are not letting us to be free,which are not allowing us to be free.This freedom has many aspects, it has different aspect for each person.For me freedom is to think freely,for me freedom is to dream freely,for me freedom is to independently achieve the things that I want to achieve, for me freedom is to live by my own choices.
I know there are many hindrances in between to achieve our freedom, I know there are many obstacles to be come.But when our heros sacrificed their lives seventy one years ago and sacrificing today on borders too for freedom,  can't we just fight with these hindrances and achieve our freedom.

Come let's find our freedom. .......

Thursday 31 May 2018

Let her fly..

She is a mother,
She is a daughter,
She is a wife,
She is a sister,
She is a friend,

But what she is not -"a prisoner".She is not a prisoner to be caged behind bars. She doesn't want to remain in those four walls forever. She wants to explore, She wants to be happy, She wants to cross the limits, She wants to fly...

Then who are we to stop her,
Then who are we to cut her wings,
Please let her fly.
Let her do what she wants,
Let allow her to be happy,
Let allow her to live her life freely,
Let open the doors of her cage,

Let her fly,
Let her fly.....

Saturday 24 February 2018

Every morning is new ...

Every morning is new,everyday there is something new,some energies,some excitement. Each new day comes with a spark,with some light,with some hope,with some dreames,with some events, with some happiness and with some sorrows too...

But,its totally up to us how we see them,how we deal with them ,its totally up to us.Nobody can help with this.Because in whichever condition you are,the depth of the things can only be understandable by you, no one can get it as deeply  you can and more importantly the betterment is for you,so the efforts should also be yours.Never try to put your efforts in changing others, always put your valuable efforts to change yourself.Because whenever you will change yourself.Because the whole world will be seemed changed for you.

Change the perspective of your mind, change your thinking.
And remember always every morning is new ,each morning will bring its own joy.If today was not yours, make sure that tomorrow it will be yours.Don't be tensed with that meaningless issues.
Just believe in yourself. .....

Sunday 21 January 2018

Finally back !!!

Ever had with you that you have ignored the  things in the life which are meant to be life for you .I have heard people saying that you can always take out time for the things you like or you love to do.You always have time for your favourite things.It's not about time it is just about priorities.

Well ,I agree it's true .But I don't know why I forgot the reason behind starting this blog .Six -seven months back when I started this blog my main aim was just to continue my writing because I didn't wanted my pen to stop.I wanted to pour my heart out .I wanted to talk ,I want to talk about the things I love that are reading ,writing. But what I did I broke up my promise with myself that I will be continue on writing and will never give up.I was very lost these days. I don't know what I was doing
.There was not even a single day when I was not feeling for writing but I don't know why and what was stopping me from just picking up my pen and paper  and writing dowm my thoughts on it.

Well which has already happened it can't be
changed but which can be changed and is needed to be changed is me and my carelessness towards my writing. And this time my promise is for sure,that I will be regular will never let my pen to stop or even take a break.

And promises are meant to be kept.. :p

Books to read during quarantine πŸ“š

As the world is facing epidemic of corona virus, most of the world is living in home and facing lockdown. Yes I know that there is full of ...